Stars of Tomorrow Adjudicators
Stars of Tomorrow firmly believes that the most important aspects of a show are the sense of family, belonging, and teamwork that comes with each and every show. We look to recognize the incredible work being done in schools throughout the area, while also providing constructive feedback for growth within both individual students and the entire production.
Our team of Adjudicators will evaluate each production against itself, rather than against all other school productions, thus encouraging schools to create the best possible work for their unique circumstances and environment.
Interested applicants, upon application submission, will be reviewed by a panel of RBTL staff. There is a strong focus not only on theatrical experience but on the understanding that this is an educational program. Adjudicators will need to have that heightened sense of awareness as they are critiquing productions.
Once selected as an adjudicator, you will be required to attend a training session, as well as commit to being impartial, confidential, and objective to each production. Scores and narratives will be submitted securely and electronically to RBTL within one week after attending a nominated production.
The 22-23 Stars of Tomorrow Handbook will be available in late summer 2022, with mandatory training in fall 2022.
Adjudicators will meet at least one of the following requirements:
- A degree in a relevant field (music, theatre, dance, etc.);
- And/or extensive work experience in one of those disciplines on a professional or academic basis;
- And/or are professional artists or educators with knowledge of the American musical theatre canon;
- And/or demonstrated experience in or knowledge of musical theatre.
Additionally, all candidates:
- Must possess the ability to effectively communicate in writing and evaluate production elements and student performances in a constructive manner, maintaining an overall positive tone.
- Will be trained in the adjudication process by our staff.
- Have the ability to score fairly
- Have the ability to maintain confidentiality
- Have enthusiasm for high school musical theatre
- Have the ability to recognize potential bias/conflicts of interest and to recuse oneself from those productions/students.
- Would not be assigned to a school with which there may be a conflict of interest, either through a connection to the school or to anyone associated with the production.
Interested applicants:
For more information, please contact Holly Valentine at [email protected]